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RECIPE: Microwave Popcorn

August 30, 2010

Not only will this article help you avoid the dreaded “Popcorn Lung,” it will help you microwave popcorn addicts save some serious cash as well. My boyfriend’s a big fan of his popcorn popper, but if you already have a microwave, you’re probably better off picking one up at a garage sale or saving yourself the $17.72 completely and just using the microwave.

Per Squawkfox,  “Microwave popcorn costs around $22.65 for 12 boxes with 3 packets per box (source Amazon) — that’s an eye-popping $3.53 per pound!…At a tasty 50 cents per pound, plain popcorn kernels bought in bulk cost FAR less than that slimy packaged stuff..” Basically you can save $2.01 per pound of popcorn. Even if you factor in the brown bags you’ll have to buy yourself (approximately $2 for 100 bags) you’re still coming out way ahead AND it’s healthier to boot. Find out how, after the jump.

So, here’s what you need:

  1. Plain, flat bottomed brown paper lunch bags
  2. 1/4 to 1/2 c popcorn kernels
  3. Microwave

Here’s what you do:

  1. Put the popcorn kernels in the lunch bag.
  2. Fold the bag over twice. *Please do NOT use staples. Your microwave  would not appreciate it. The folds will hold just fine on their own.
  3. Stick the bag of kernels in the microwave, flat side of the bag down, for approximately 3 minutes. Do NOT leave the microwave unattended. You need to STOP the microwave when the popping slows to 1 or 2 kernels per second.
  4. Top with your favorite toppings and enjoy!

How to Microwave Gourmet Popcorn in a Brown Paper Bag [Squawkfox]

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